Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast (general)

Hello! We have a new fortnightly/monthly Underlords show! Bee & Proud play a game to chat about for this episode. Bee goes for Brawny, Warriors & Hunters with a dash of Warlock, Heartless & Troll on the side. Proud builds a Savage, Druid & Primordial team. They also discuss an item, a hero and an alliance as the second segment of the show, which this week is; Embarrassment of Riches, Tiny, & Scaled. Let us know what you think or if you have any suggestions!

Direct download: underlords-8-28-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi break TI wide open, analyzing the drafts from the final three series and picking apart their nuances! We're also covering some of the general TI trends, hero choices, and more; in our Week in Dota segment we cover Kunkka, playing & improving with a new 5 stack team, OD safelane, draft traps, Alchemist, Tusk, mid matchup results, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct-8-27-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi collect cans, make decisions, and put in some hard work on the Aghanim's scepter farm, among other things. Topics included on today's show include: 1 Alchemist, 4 Leshrac, jungles filled with waste, diagnosing problems once you've observed that the problem exists, new ranked, Tiny's new set, Venge 5, and plenty more!

Category:general -- posted at: 11:09am EDT

The Sound is so goddamn bad jesus christ

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi are joined by special guest Bealuct! We're covering all the regular stuff: our week in dota, new meta shifts regarding supports, the history of doorknobs, Jakiro as a mid, 4 suppoer & 5 support hero pools swapping around, Treant Protector trending, tempered chocolate, and plenty more! For the game this week we played 3 Sand King, 4 Phoenix, and 2 Alchemist!

Direct download: tct-fuck-this-jesus-christ.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:48am EDT

Just Think About It

Direct download: tmt_6_27_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23am EDT


On this week's Theorycraft Thuesday Proud and Ursi are testing out some new stuff! We're covering our last couple weeks in dota, our experiences with competitive 5 stack play, our thoughts on the current 1 pool of heroes and overall 1 experience, Proud's theory of support draft balancing, and plenty more! For our combo we end up playing mid Ogre Magi with a 3 Sand King !

Direct download: tct_6_25_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are dabbling in the dark, arcane arts and rending flesh from the mortal coil of God himself. Also, we talk about the Justice Friends.

Direct download: tct_6_13_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09am EDT


On this week's TmT we're doing a thorough, exhaustive review of the seemingly-minor-but-actually-kinda-super-cool changes in patch 7.22C! I could add more sentences but uh... that's the whole show, it's really not that complicated.

Direct download: tmt_6_11_19_FIXED-001.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are iterating on their own play and doing some problem-solving! We're chatting about our very varied week in dota, Dragon Knight Agh's & Radiance builds, Warlock's ridiculousness at the moment, core Silencer, and plenty more! For our game we ended up playing 5 Grimstroke with a 2 Clinkz for the main conversation, as well as another game that we briefly discuss in which we played 1 Monkey King with 5 Warlock.

Direct download: tct_6_6_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25am EDT

On today's Teach Me Tuesday, Proud & Beedub talk all about ESL Birmingham; what was good, what didn't quite hit the mark and interesting drafting choices. They cover the surge in Sven picks, Death Prophet's success, questionable Io drafts, synergies with Shadow Demon, Warlock with Meteor Hammer and more!

Direct download: tmt-6-4-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:17pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are deep in their 7.22 theorycrafting phases, testing out new heroes, new builds, and plenty more! The big hit so far is Proud's safelane core Death Prophet which he'll be playing this week, alongside Ursi's newfound/refound love Shadow Demon for a truly brutal lane combination! We're also chatting about all the meta stuff that's been popping off in this first week of 7.22 and a whole bunch else!

Direct download: tct-5-31-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:58am EDT

On this week's special Teach me Tuesday, Jim from We Like Dota joins Bee & Proud to discuss the highs and the lows of being a Dota 2 player. They discuss over farming, hating on CM, Centaur strats & facts, chasing what feels good or whether anything in Dota feels good, and plenty more! You can find all the WeLikeDota podcasts on or wherever you get your podcasts normally.

Direct download: tmt-5-21-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:39am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday (Monday) Proud and Ursi have Arian, A2K, from WeLikeDota on the show! Some topics include: Optimizing turbo dota, Learning new heroes, growing as players both mmr-wise and personal skill-cap wise, Arc Warden, Vengeful Spirit, learning new positions, burning through the compendium jungle challenges, ridiculous Medusa cheese comps, Snapple, and plenty more! For our match we ended up choosing 3 Pudge (A2K), 4 Lich (Ursi), and 1 Lycan (Proud) to play out of our palettes! You can find all the WeLikeDota podcasts on or wherever you get your podcasts normally!

Direct download: tct-5-20-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:04am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday we're continuing the We Like Dota partnership project and having Charlene, BabyBokChoi, guest and help us out! We're talking all about her Dota philosophy, how she got started in podcast, and plenty more! Our palettes end up with us playing Aghs Luna, Axe, and Leshrac!

Direct download: tct-5-16-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:48am EDT

On this week's special Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi are joined by Sam, ThePlaidPirate, from We Like Dota! Other than our general dota chat, we're focusing on the transition phase from late-early game into mid game, our tumultuous relationships with Dota, Undying's existence, and plenty more! We also got a very interesting question about the back-end of podcasting that we dive into in detail! All this and more on this week's show!

Direct download: tmt-5-14-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are jumping right into the new compendium, basking in its glory, and enjoying those sweet rewards! We're also covering our last week in dota, as usual, and establishing some new pick palettes to work off of! For the game we played 5 Leshrac with 1 Naga and had a great game with a really excellent team comp!
We're also announcing an upcoming special program with We Like Dota where we guest on their shows and they guest on ours for the upcoming few weeks! All the same content, just with a few fresh voices!

Direct download: tct-5-9-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:11am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are winning Dota 2 and figuring out why! Proud's super hype on Drow Ranger and is teaching us all the nuances he's figured out in the last week of playing her and teaching us how to establish our current state of farm and judge where to go from there itemization and strategy-wise! Ursi is playing Winter Wyvern and Witch Doctor in our games tonight and chatting over who he thinks is the worst hero in Dota right now (it's PA)! All this and more on this week's show!

Direct download: tct-5-2-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:59pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi get all tangled up with a bunch of noble, brave skeletons. For our Week in Dota we talk about Battlecup blunders, Sven carry, Mars' overpowered-ness, Jenkins killing our pubs with 4 Sniper videos, and plenty more! On a rare pro-Dota segment we cover the whole T2/T3 caster controversy as well as the recent EternalEnvy drama! All this and more on this week's show!

(Trying to fix our website uploading issue so apologies if this one comes out weird I'm attempting something different.)

Direct download: tct-4-25-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:25am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

On this week of Proudland - a Dota 2 Podcast - Roland and Proud get in to the subtle yet obvious nuances of large bursts of magical damage. Roland tries to box Proud in on the idea that Dota Developers categorized their heroes in ways he may or may not disagree with, ahem (Sandking), ahem. This several part series will be going over heroes to improve your hero pool, and help you attain MMR success. This and more on Proudland, a #1 Dota 2 Podcast
Direct download: Proudland_3262017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:01am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

On this DotP One on One, we get in to a vast amount of details surrounding Complexity, and Kyle "melonzz" Freedman. Kyle talks becoming a pro-Dota player, what would have happened had he chose a different path. His relationship with his brother and the future of coL. This and more on Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast.
Direct download: Kyle_Interview.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:42pm EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week Roland and Cyphus discover what is weak and strong against DP and SS as they get stomped and try really hard not to flame their imbecile teammates. Cyphus plays the Shadow Shaman, while Roland fumbles mid passing the ball to the team over and over again. Tune in this week to see what you think Death Prophet and Shadow Shaman counter. This and much more on Counterattack - A Dota 2 Podcast
Direct download: Counterattack_Episode_4_Fixed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37pm EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week on Proudland, the hosts discuss a logical check-list on what to-do and what not do with your feet - rather what you put on them. This is the first endeavor into the vast pool of items and hero interactions being undertaken by this Dota 2 podcast. After thousands of hours, and even more losses, Roland realizes, he needs item help. Proud jumps in to the rescue to shine some light on some misconceptions and provide logic to those of us who don't use it. This and more on Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast
Direct download: Proudland_3122017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:11am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

On this week's episode of Proudland, Proud explains, very, very thoroughly, base attack time (BAT). The hosts then dive in to the pit falls of higher than average MMR games, and when to take highground on this Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: Proudland_352017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42pm EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week on Proudland, Roland rejoins Proud as they discuss what to do in different MMR brackets. Proud, as always, brings up interesting discussion topics as he explains you can climb MMR and have fun. While Roland sits silently in the corner being wildly incompetent. This and much more on Proudland - a Dota 2 Podcast.
Direct download: Proudland_2262017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:25am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week Proud and Ursi discover the beautiful synergy between an elusive, monkey-king poser and that hero inspired from Disney's Orignal 'Frozen'. Listen to them dopple-walk away from bad information as they cool down the temperature on some heated topics. Make sure you get your fair share of this arcane podcast. This and more on Theorycrafting Thursday - A Dota 2 Podcast
Direct download: Theorycraft_Thursday__2222017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:40am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week Ursi and Proud discover what may be the best duo yet: Sand King and Doom. Despite Ursinity thinking Doom is a flat-line, dumb hero with a lame concept. He's wrong - "Shut up, Okay, moving on." - Proud. Despite all the back-and-forth, they find that the best friendship is one that is made in lane. Enjoy this weeks Dota 2 Podcast with Prosinity.
Direct download: TcT_2162017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week Roland and Proud take on a the heady Dota 2 subject of fighting. First talking about initiating and counter-initiating, then into the subtle, yet definitive reasons behind why you win or lose. Proud breaks down over used terms, while Roland holds on for dear life, trying to keep up. Learn how to take a punch and throw one back, this week on Proudland.
Direct download: Proudland_2122017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:41am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Cyphus and Roland team up for the new Friday DotP timeslot to talk about versatility in Dota 2 hero selection, the best starting items for Luna, iron branches best branches, what a headdress takes, how OP Underlord was and now isn't in 7.02 Dota 2, and whether the Radiant advantage has been corrected by the recent changes in the latest patch.  All this and more on the latest episode of the Internet's 33rd best video game podcast...for now.
Direct download: DotP_Friday_292017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:13pm EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

On this Monday episode of Proudland power spikes get talked about a lot. Also, Roland's grandma calls - it's not an emergency. Learn about breakfast in a croc-pot, or about your favorite hero! Because this Dota 2 PS (power-spike) episode was so long, below are time stamps. Weave through the episode as we call out the waning rifts in power spikes between amping your play, or hooking your thoughts. Time Stamps:  Ember Spirit: 19:30 - 42:15 Outworld Devourer: 42:16 : 1:05.26 Underlord: 1:05.27 - 1:31:38 Tidehunter: 1:30.39 - 138.40 Slardar: 1:41.36 - 1:54.39 Pudge: 1:54.40 - END
Direct download: Proudland_252017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2Podcast

This week on Proudland a schedule change announcement is made, while Roland and Proud finish up discussion on the previous weeks mid talks. Power spikes are the topic of this show, while they discuss Luna and Spectre in the one position, and Rubick and Crystal Maiden in the five position. Proudland is moving to Monday's, so be sure to check out the second half of this Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: Proudland_232017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

In the middle of the night, Roland and Proud discuss the smaller things about the mid-lane. Touching on do's and do not's. In an attempt to bring the less thought-about concepts of what makes a good mid, good. Proud discusses the fundamentals, and Roland hangs on for dear life. Me midder's aside, this episode walks you through concepts that you may not know you already do. It's always good to know why you are a 'me mid.' This and more on Proudland: Fiddle my Middle.
Direct download: Proudland_Midlane_1272017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:28am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week on the DotP Monday show Cyphus and Roland do the usual round and round. Proclaiming on one hand we're a Dota 2 podcast and then on another talking about how 'Elite' Cyphus is. They navigate through 15% increased magic damage, talked about HP removal and finally find there way back to bitching about the deathliest hero in the game: Necrophos. Why is his CD 25 seconds with Aghs? Why does he have a 60% win rate? This and more on Defense of the Patience -- A Dota 2 Podcast
Direct download: DotP_Monday_1222017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:21am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week on Proudland, Proud and Roland try to understand the difference in win-rate between radiant and dire before delving in to a safe-lane discussion. Once they find their way to the inevitable, some insight is found in to why being a position 1 player in Dota 2 feels so much different. This and more on Proudland a Dota 2 Podcast.
Direct download: Proudland_Safelane_1202017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Proud and Roland start out strong, talking about absolute non-sense in their lives. Roland complains about annual obligatory dinners as Proud tries to recall that one movie with Tom Cruise in his underwear. Eventually, after a tantalizing labyrinth, they find themselves talking about the offlane in Dota 2. What has changed? Anything? Try and find the gems and throw-away the rest on this week of Proudland.
Direct download: Proudland1132017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:17am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

This week the computer eats the original Monday show that Cyphus and Roland recorded. Literally eats it, and won't spit it back out. So a brave warrior climbs from the fog, in the middle of the night, to record a new episode summarizing the old episode, and more! Join Roland on a tired delirium of tangents with no traffic cops, while he tries to stay on topic, but lets be honest, he's still thinking about his Elton John cover. Climb MMR with Roland while he talks Dota 2 and how he has fun with breaking outside of the box. This and more on Defense of the Patience - The Ro-solo-saga.
Direct download: Solo_Roland_192017_FIXED.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:22am EDT

Cyphus and Roland get sidetracked by consumer reviews with Grandpa Roland before finally delving into Dota 2, their progress in March to 3K Madness (and its decline to 2K Madness for Cyphus), and Cyphus' struggles with communication; winning and his fellow players in Dota 2.  All this and more in the latest episode of the Dota 2 podcast.

Direct download: DotP_Main_3_13_16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43am EDT

Blacheart joins Roland and Cyphus for a talk about how she stomped Roland 1v1 mid to earn her DotP OG status, playing Spectre, a race to 3k MMR, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Chik-Fil-A and much, much more.  Check out the latest episode of the Dota 2 podcast.

Direct download: DotP_Main_w__Blackheart_2_21_16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:22am EDT

Roland and Cyphus introduce a new segment called "Pub Mouth" looking at some of the most horrific things said to them in Dota 2 matches, talk some gaming/Valve/Dota 2 news, Worst Ways to Die, and more in the latest episode of the Dota 2 podcast.

Direct download: DotP_10-13-25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22am EDT

In this episode of Defense of the Patience, a Dota 2 podcast, Cyphus, Wazoo and Roland talk level-dependent heroes.  They also welcome Fridgemaster from Standard Deviants Stat House for the first Ask a Deviant segment.  The gang awards some Worst Way to Die swag as well.

Direct download: Episode_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:04am EDT