Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast
On this holiday Friday Proud and Ursi get together to chat about their experience with Dota recently, holiday gifts, the Witcher Netflix series, explaining what the 2-4 Framework is (patent pending), patch discomfort, patch enthusiasm, Dota player numbers over the years, laning opportunity cost(s), cooking with cast-iron, knife companies, and plenty more!
Direct download: fridaydieday-12-27-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 7:05pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi break into 100 different topics in 100 minutes. Topics include: the expansion of the current 5 pool, Skywrath's dominance as the perfect 4, Ursi being the victim of biological warfare, Queen of Pain, AOE stuns being the key to victory, Lifestealer, Tiny, Puck, Grimstroke, how to operate a super strong 3 + 4 combo lane, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct-12-19-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:11am EDT




Direct download: tmt-12-17-19_FIXED.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:15pm EDT


Direct download: tmt-12-17-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:18am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi open their minds' eye by claiming outposts near and far. Our combo we analyze and play this week is carry Tiny with 5 Dark Willow, who complement eachother swimmingly! Topics include: Ursa, Treant Protector, 3 Venomancer, weird hero choices (especially 4's), hero picking order changes, the value of support counterpicks & carry counterpicks, Slardar, Pugna, underplayed heroes, mango tree placement, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct-12-12-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:42am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi establish that there are no longer any 5's, only 3.5's and 4's with the new Support changes working their way into changing the pub meta! Topics include: Void Spirit, Snapfire, PA being terrible, Pangolier, jungle items, Mask of Madness LD, 4 Luna, 3 Venge, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct-12-5-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:59am EDT

On this continuation of our review of the huge 7.23 patch notes Proud and Ursi get deeper into the patch after having played a whole lot of games! We're covering the new heroes, new map, new items, new RNG components, specific heroes (notably the very-high-winrate-increase heroes like AM, CM, Venge, LD, etc.), Proud's take on the new (very strong!) Lone Druid, Kunkka's aghs, how supporting has changed already, item equity amongst teammates, and plenty, plenty more!
Direct download: tct-11-28-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:27am EDT


Direct download: patch-overview-11-26-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 7:36pm EDT

On this week's short Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi do their last Teach Me Tuesday of patch 7.22, make their predictions about 7.23 right before it comes out, and talk about other general Dota topics, as always! Other topics include: Butterflies, Dragon Knight as a 3, Techies, Comfort Heroes, Earthshaker, Cramming in a ton of Dota, Kaya item combinations, and more!
Direct download: tmt-11-26-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:34am EDT

On this week's Theory Craft Thursday we rejoice in the coming of a new patch and say farewell to 7.22 and its various iterations! We're chatting about our highlights from the patch, what we learned & took away from our experiences over the last 6 months or so, and plenty more before we play Lifestealer with 5 CM as our final combo of the patch! Other topics include: how much money Valve deserves as tithes, the stompiest heroes, Faceless Void builds, Underlord, Anti-Mage, Ursi's encounter with a prophetic 11 year old, the development of the 4 position hero pool & game role, super-late-game decision making, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct-11-21-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:01am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi embrace the wonderful land of the offlane, Bee's new home! We get Hot Takes about pro dota, support Abaddon chat, Tidehunter, Earthshaker, courier sniping, the new Pokemon game, which names are the best, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt-11-19-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 9:35pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi cover a whole lot, culminating in an extremely long (87 minute!) game for this week which gives us an opportunity to cover super late-game decision making and more! Topics include: 4 Luna, Luna counters, Ursi's WLDL drafting experience, relaxing stack games, support Natures Prophet, 5 KotL, hero removals, hero fusions, 4 men named Joey, picking good heroes vs. picking good teams, CK losses, matchmaking changes, and more!
Direct download: tct-11-14-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:21am EDT


Direct download: tmt-11-12-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:55pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi confirm what everyone has been thining: boy, this sure does seem like it's gonna be a cult! In addition to affirming all those suspicions we cover: advanced farming patterns, Legion Commander, Lifestealer, Weaver, Spectre maybe being good again (or maybe not), navigating your mid game into a victory, win states vs. lose states, bad tower trades, Chaos Knight, PA, Ursi's WLDL drafting experience, Zeus, the Monty Hall problem, cold brew, child fight clubs, and plenty, plenty more! For our game this week we played an offlane duolane of 3 Clockwerk with 4 Silencer!
Direct download: tct-11-7-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:33pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Proud and Ursi console one another and prepare for another 3-4 weeks of this patch's miserable lifespan. Due to this, we decide to get weird and try some new stuff in an effort to entertain our small brains and play carry Doom with support Invoker! Other topics include: the era of weird mids we are curretnyl in, lane domination, Alchemist rearing his head again, low player count, Ursi throwing LC games, how to properly utilize +dmg talents on supports, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct-10-30-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:40pm EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi cover a little bit of everything! Topics include: seasonal Dota habits, Lich, Venge, Snow, Silencer, Bee living in Italy this whole time, high school jobs for Dota heroes, tower pressure in laning phase & how to execute it properly, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt-10-29-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:28pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday we're back to our original day and Proud is teaching Ursi the most important points of drafting in this current era of Dota drafting! We're simplifying the daunting process of drafting a full team comp, balancing hero picks at different phases of the draft, and outlining simple guidelines to pick an effective team. Other topics include Skywrath Mage, Phantom Lancer Aghs, mid lion, Chaos Knight itemization, strong offlane duos, Satanic, Dynasty Warriors 8, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct-10-23-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Teach Me Tuesday returns! Proud & Beedub discuss their recent dota games & everyone's favourite skeleman, Clinkz, and what items to build on him, how to use his abilities effectively and how to work with Burning Army. They also chat about why they play dota, when to rotate into other lanes, how to fight a Medusa & predictions on when the next patch will be. Got a question? Send them over to!

Direct download: tmt-10-22-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:10am EDT

On this week's (final!) Teach Me Thursday Beedub and Ursi talk about their recent successes, plan for the success of their future, and plenty more! Topics include Ursi being punished for his abandonment of his trendy new Jugg build, Bee embracing full-on tech bro life hacking for Dota success, DotP Deep Lore(tm), 5 Stacking and its effects on your play, a whole lot of Terrorblade chat, Anti-Mage, Legion Commander being the absolute GOAT, Morphling tips & picking apart a game, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt-10-17-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:32am EDT

On this week's Theory Craft Proud and Ursi tool around with breaking out from itemization ruts and opening their minds, except 'opening their minds' leads to simplifying every build to 'lets just build a basher'. Other topics include: Lycan, support Puck, Monkey King love, Ursi's recent battlecup, more Juggernaut love, Dark Willow, Drow, and plenty, plenty more!

Direct download: tct-10-15-19FIXED.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:55am EDT

On this week's Theory Craft Proud and Ursi tool around with breaking out from itemization ruts and opening their minds, except 'opening their minds' leads to simplifying every build to 'lets just build a basher'. Other topics include: Lycan, support Puck, Monkey King love, Ursi's recent battlecup, more Juggernaut love, Dark Willow, Drow, and plenty, plenty more!
Direct download: tct-10-15-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:46am EDT

On this week's Teach me Thursday, beedub confesses to Proud about her most embarrassing dota habit to date. This episode is all about how to itemize - predominantly in the mid lane. Any questions please email them over to!

Direct download: TMT-10-11-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 9:32am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Proud and Ursi are boarding a train to the nearest village, taking it over, teaching their people to do crimes, and then installing fiber-optic cable to play Dota Two on. Also, we play carry Riki and 5 support Zeus, which is a trip. Other topics include: 3 Lycan, Splitpushing, effective lane farming, clockwork, Phantom Lancer, Spectre, super long games becoming more common, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct-10-8-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:24am EDT

 On this week's Teach Me Thursday Beedub and Ursi create a wild ride of an episode in which, among other things, Beedub gets officially Knighted by the Queen! We're mostly covering the most adult topic: trying to find time to actually play Dota when you're busy as knobs all the time, plus answering a whole slew of questions and bouncing around between topics as usual!
Direct download: TMT-10-3-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 6:33pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft episode Proud and Ursi have played a ton of Dota and have a ton to say! Topics include: Weaver, Faceless Void being the only carry (?!), Clinkz, new Juggernaut builds, Sniper, the strength of creepcutting as an offlaner (especially Axe!), Phantom Lancer, Abaddon, and plenty more! Our main segmentt is covering patch 7.22H which is small but mighty, and for our game we play Weaver 1 with 5 Disruptor!

Direct download: TcT-10-1-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:33am EDT

 On today's episode of Teach me Thursday, Bee & Proud discuss their recent recalibration efforts, Dragon Knight items, Earthshaker's power, Silver Edge, when to smoke, the knack to split pushing and much more. If you'd like to ask a question about Dota (or anything else), please email your question to or message Ursi or Bee!

Direct download: TMT-9-25-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:05pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft show Proud and Ursi sit everyone down to cover some common mistakes, how to identify them, how to fix them, and how to abuse enemy players who make them! We're also covering more calibration games, safelane ideas, 4 Mirana being undeniably strong, Ursi being tortured emotionally by a nameless coworker, warding nuance, gold rationing as a 5, optimizing starting items, and more! We played 2 games this week, the first one being 1 Mars with 5 Witch Doctor and the second game being 3 Tidehunter with 4 Mirana!

Direct download: TCT-9-24-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:46am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Thursday Bee and Ursi are doing their absolute darndest to discuss the video game Dota Two, but might die in the process. Topics include: New Valve conduct patch, Smurf Ethics 101, Kunkka mid, Legion Commander, Pick vs. Counterpick, Smoking when you're in solo queue, Drum, Valve communication improvement (?), and plenty, plenty more!
Direct download: TMT-9-19-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:03am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi are revealing themselves as Lycan Aghs Appreciators(tm) and also discussing many other, but ultimately less significant, things. Some topics include: Nightstalker, Keeper of the Light, Ignuus Fatuus combos, Legion Commander, Witch Doctor lanes, resetting waves at-will, Enchantress 3 team comps, more developed analysis/theorizing around Freight Train Dota, Tusk, Drow, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct-9-17-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:09am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft episode Proud and Ursi get deep in the weeds of the seemingly-small-but-actually-huge 7.22G and how it's going to change the overall game as well as their personal picks! We're discussing new heroes we want to try, how we want to play them, what we want to play them with, and so, so much more. Other topics include: Legion Commander, Bristleback, Winter Wyvern, Gyrocopter being the only carry anymore, whether Alchemist is officially dead or not, Windrunner, Timbersaw, and plenty, plenty more! In the game we play 1 Nightstalker and 5 Undying!

Direct download: tct-9-10-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:47am EDT


Direct download: tmt-9-5-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:11am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi barrel into the end-times of the current patch and forsee a bright future in which Alchemist is slightly less annoying, Enchantress is reworked, the Arctic ceases to melt, and we're all One Item Up on our opponents. Topics include: Patch predictions, Alchemist, Ursi picking Techies like the scum he is at heart, Winter Wyvern, 5 stack growth, map movements, shot calling, throwing games at Roshan, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct-9-3-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:23am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tues..Thur...Saturday Bee and Ursi talk about getting outed at work as Dota players, holiday Dota, Alchemist, Lifestealer, tilting in pubs for no reason, mixing-and-matching builds to optimize, OD, dealing with Medusa mid matchups, developing push comps and/or deciding whether your comp can push effectively (and how they may or may not do that), and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt-8-31-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:38pm EDT

Hello! We have a new fortnightly/monthly Underlords show! Bee & Proud play a game to chat about for this episode. Bee goes for Brawny, Warriors & Hunters with a dash of Warlock, Heartless & Troll on the side. Proud builds a Savage, Druid & Primordial team. They also discuss an item, a hero and an alliance as the second segment of the show, which this week is; Embarrassment of Riches, Tiny, & Scaled. Let us know what you think or if you have any suggestions!

Direct download: underlords-8-28-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi break TI wide open, analyzing the drafts from the final three series and picking apart their nuances! We're also covering some of the general TI trends, hero choices, and more; in our Week in Dota segment we cover Kunkka, playing & improving with a new 5 stack team, OD safelane, draft traps, Alchemist, Tusk, mid matchup results, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct-8-27-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi are covering plenty of excitement from this past week in dota, including all the wildness TI brings this time of year! Our main segment is a feature on Midas' place on carries, and other topics include: Carry Io, some of our duo queue pubs, practicing team play, clams, witches, Tiny, Winter Wyvern, Puck, and plenty, plenty more!

Direct download: tct-8-20-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:12am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Thurs-Fri-day Bee and Ursi solve all of the world's problem, and then some! We're also covering the first day of TI group stages, an intensive explanation of warding metagame, and plenty, plenty more!

Direct download: tmt-8-16-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:46am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi collect cans, make decisions, and put in some hard work on the Aghanim's scepter farm, among other things. Topics included on today's show include: 1 Alchemist, 4 Leshrac, jungles filled with waste, diagnosing problems once you've observed that the problem exists, new ranked, Tiny's new set, Venge 5, and plenty more!

Category:general -- posted at: 11:09am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi collect cans, make decisions, and put in some hard work on the Aghanim's scepter farm, among other things. Topics included on today's show include: 1 Alchemist, 4 Leshrac, jungles filled with waste, diagnosing problems once you've observed that the problem exists, new ranked, Tiny's new set, Venge 5, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct-8-14-19_fix.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:06am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi collect cans, make decisions, and put in some hard work on the Aghanim's scepter farm, among other things. Topics included on today's show include: 1 Alchemist, 4 Leshrac, jungles filled with waste, diagnosing problems once you've observed that the problem exists, new ranked, Tiny's new set, Venge 5, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct-8-14-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:41am EDT

On this week's TmT, Bee and Proud talk the new matchymatchmaking update, girthy dragon knight, monching trees, making sounds, restless cats, the plague that is techies, new hats and some other stufffffff.

Direct download: tmt-8-8-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:45am EDT

The Sound is so goddamn bad jesus christ

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi are joined by special guest Bealuct! We're covering all the regular stuff: our week in dota, new meta shifts regarding supports, the history of doorknobs, Jakiro as a mid, 4 suppoer & 5 support hero pools swapping around, Treant Protector trending, tempered chocolate, and plenty more! For the game this week we played 3 Sand King, 4 Phoenix, and 2 Alchemist!

Direct download: tct-fuck-this-jesus-christ.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:48am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Thursday Bee and Ursi are trying their absolute darndest to talk about Dota 2 despite an onslaught of fantastic tangents! For the bulk of the show we're covering Bee's continued experience as a blossoming mid player, building up her mid pool to be as robust as necessary but not spread too thin, and troubleshooting some of her troublesome match-ups! Then we're answering questions around Mjolnir's place in item builds, dealing with all those darn child Invokers, how to efficiently manage your emotional currency when met with dota fools, and what to do when you're a techies who is trying their best to be a team player!

Direct download: tmt-8-1-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:41am EDT

Patch 7.22F just came out so Ursi and Proud are doing our live first reactions and theorycrafting of all the changes, both big and small! We're going to go into hiding after the Tinker buffs so maybe this is our final show

Direct download: tct-7-29-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:44am EDT

TmT: Melting Minds & Mids

On today's Teach Me Thursday (or Friday), Proud goes over Bee's recent dota games. After quite a long break, Bee has returned back to dota on the hottest day of the year, playing Bristleback & Queen of Pain rather than the usual support heroes. They discuss item builds on Bristle and how to generally be a tanky lad and then they go over a successful QoP mid game and discuss the entire laning phase and how it could have been improved.

Direct download: tmt-7-26-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:32am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi are talking about splitpushing, AM trending, new Ember Spirit builds, Invoker, learning complex heroes, core Silencer's potential, map/game changes that incentivize splitpushing, and plenty more! For the game this week Proud plays mid Kunkka for the first time while Ursi plays 5 support Magnus!

Direct download: tct-7-23-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:14am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi think deeply, or at least try to, about their preconceived notions regarding item builds, hero choices, and plenty more in light of their recent games and the new patch 7.22e! We also cover our personal patch highlights, our past Week in Dota as always, and plenty more! For the game we try out a super interesting 1 Slardar build Proud picked up and is working on while Ursi attempts to get back into his good pal Pangolier but is met with roadblocks.

Direct download: tct-7-16-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:46am EDT


Direct download: tmt-7-11-2019.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:04am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft (?) Proud and Ursi are talking through their successful weeks in dota while learning from a loss in their game this week! Topics include: Magnus, new Slark builds, Dark Willow, Dazzle, Hats, What to do when your lane is going haywire, Ursi's hairbrained talent suggestions, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct-7-8-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:34am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi give you valuable dota advice and slightly-less-valuable-but-still-important life advice. Topics include: maximizing farm when you're already getting full lane farm, battlecup success, Proud's exploration of mid, what to do when you have too many itemization options, optimizing tankiness, and plenty more!

Sorry this came out late, I decided to do nothing instead of do something so that's the reason. Also all the stuff we use to publish had a bunch of updates so if anything's not working right let me know I refuse to ever double check myself.

Direct download: tct-7-2-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:04pm EDT

Just Think About It

Direct download: tmt_6_27_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23am EDT


On this week's Theorycraft Thuesday Proud and Ursi are testing out some new stuff! We're covering our last couple weeks in dota, our experiences with competitive 5 stack play, our thoughts on the current 1 pool of heroes and overall 1 experience, Proud's theory of support draft balancing, and plenty more! For our combo we end up playing mid Ogre Magi with a 3 Sand King !

Direct download: tct_6_25_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are dabbling in the dark, arcane arts and rending flesh from the mortal coil of God himself. Also, we talk about the Justice Friends.

Direct download: tct_6_13_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09am EDT


On this week's TmT we're doing a thorough, exhaustive review of the seemingly-minor-but-actually-kinda-super-cool changes in patch 7.22C! I could add more sentences but uh... that's the whole show, it's really not that complicated.

Direct download: tmt_6_11_19_FIXED-001.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are iterating on their own play and doing some problem-solving! We're chatting about our very varied week in dota, Dragon Knight Agh's & Radiance builds, Warlock's ridiculousness at the moment, core Silencer, and plenty more! For our game we ended up playing 5 Grimstroke with a 2 Clinkz for the main conversation, as well as another game that we briefly discuss in which we played 1 Monkey King with 5 Warlock.

Direct download: tct_6_6_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25am EDT

On today's Teach Me Tuesday, Proud & Beedub talk all about ESL Birmingham; what was good, what didn't quite hit the mark and interesting drafting choices. They cover the surge in Sven picks, Death Prophet's success, questionable Io drafts, synergies with Shadow Demon, Warlock with Meteor Hammer and more!

Direct download: tmt-6-4-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:17pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are deep in their 7.22 theorycrafting phases, testing out new heroes, new builds, and plenty more! The big hit so far is Proud's safelane core Death Prophet which he'll be playing this week, alongside Ursi's newfound/refound love Shadow Demon for a truly brutal lane combination! We're also chatting about all the meta stuff that's been popping off in this first week of 7.22 and a whole bunch else!

Direct download: tct-5-31-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:58am EDT

On this special patch review episode Proud and Ursi dive into 7.22 and all of the loony Aghanim's additions that have been made; which upgrades are good, which are bad, which are surprising, which are situational, and which are just pointless! Looks like a super fun patch to us, though we're disappointed in a lack of nerfs on a couple fronts, and we look forward to covering how is progresses through the pub and pro meta!

Direct download: PATCH_722_5_25_19-001.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:22am EDT

On this week's special Teach me Tuesday, Jim from We Like Dota joins Bee & Proud to discuss the highs and the lows of being a Dota 2 player. They discuss over farming, hating on CM, Centaur strats & facts, chasing what feels good or whether anything in Dota feels good, and plenty more! You can find all the WeLikeDota podcasts on or wherever you get your podcasts normally.

Direct download: tmt-5-21-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:39am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday (Monday) Proud and Ursi have Arian, A2K, from WeLikeDota on the show! Some topics include: Optimizing turbo dota, Learning new heroes, growing as players both mmr-wise and personal skill-cap wise, Arc Warden, Vengeful Spirit, learning new positions, burning through the compendium jungle challenges, ridiculous Medusa cheese comps, Snapple, and plenty more! For our match we ended up choosing 3 Pudge (A2K), 4 Lich (Ursi), and 1 Lycan (Proud) to play out of our palettes! You can find all the WeLikeDota podcasts on or wherever you get your podcasts normally!

Direct download: tct-5-20-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:04am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday we're continuing the We Like Dota partnership project and having Charlene, BabyBokChoi, guest and help us out! We're talking all about her Dota philosophy, how she got started in podcast, and plenty more! Our palettes end up with us playing Aghs Luna, Axe, and Leshrac!

Direct download: tct-5-16-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:48am EDT

On this week's special Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi are joined by Sam, ThePlaidPirate, from We Like Dota! Other than our general dota chat, we're focusing on the transition phase from late-early game into mid game, our tumultuous relationships with Dota, Undying's existence, and plenty more! We also got a very interesting question about the back-end of podcasting that we dive into in detail! All this and more on this week's show!

Direct download: tmt-5-14-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are jumping right into the new compendium, basking in its glory, and enjoying those sweet rewards! We're also covering our last week in dota, as usual, and establishing some new pick palettes to work off of! For the game we played 5 Leshrac with 1 Naga and had a great game with a really excellent team comp!
We're also announcing an upcoming special program with We Like Dota where we guest on their shows and they guest on ours for the upcoming few weeks! All the same content, just with a few fresh voices!

Direct download: tct-5-9-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:11am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are winning Dota 2 and figuring out why! Proud's super hype on Drow Ranger and is teaching us all the nuances he's figured out in the last week of playing her and teaching us how to establish our current state of farm and judge where to go from there itemization and strategy-wise! Ursi is playing Winter Wyvern and Witch Doctor in our games tonight and chatting over who he thinks is the worst hero in Dota right now (it's PA)! All this and more on this week's show!

Direct download: tct-5-2-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:59pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi get all tangled up with a bunch of noble, brave skeletons. For our Week in Dota we talk about Battlecup blunders, Sven carry, Mars' overpowered-ness, Jenkins killing our pubs with 4 Sniper videos, and plenty more! On a rare pro-Dota segment we cover the whole T2/T3 caster controversy as well as the recent EternalEnvy drama! All this and more on this week's show!

(Trying to fix our website uploading issue so apologies if this one comes out weird I'm attempting something different.)

Direct download: tct-4-25-19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:25am EDT

This week on Teach Me Tuesday, Bee has actually been playing dota! Proud sheds his wisdom on her recent games & itemisation choices. They also discuss why Guardian Greaves have become so popular & which heroes they're best on. Other topics covered this episode are Urn vs Vessel, Doom's favourite creeps to much on, how to build a Skywrath Mage mid, Queen of Pain & Brewmaster counters, offlane Enchantress, rat Wraith King, courier efficiency and more!

Direct download: tmt_4_23_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 7:49am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are talking through their million recent games of Dota 2! We're covering all sorts of heroes, concepts, and trends we're seeing before breaking into our Pick Palette choices which ended up with us playing 5 Abaddon and 2 Dragon Knight! Some heroes covered include: Weaver, Faceless Void, Monkey King, Doom, Ember Spirit, and more!
Direct download: tct-4-17-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:01am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi and Beedub cheer on Bee's newfound internet, what she's going to do now that she has regained 21st-Century capabilities, and more! Some topics include, but are not limited to: an assessment of the current metagame & hero pool, Assault Cuirass vs. Crimson Guard, ice cream hierarchy, versatility, and plenty more! 


I uploaded an unrendered file by accident please 4give and dl this one

Direct download: tmt-4-16-19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:11am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are covering their long, educational, complicated Week in Dota where we both played tons of Dota! We also establish, and name, the hero-picking concept we're running with at the moment, Pick Palettes! For the game we ended up playing 3 Omniknight and 4 Nyx Assassin. Heroes and concepts discussed also include: Magnus, Leshrac, Spectre, Naga Siren (carry), Abaddon, Sniper, Lion, dynamic skills, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct_4_11_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:37am EDT

Or description!

Direct download: tmt_4_8_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 6:06am EDT


On this week's Theoyrcraft Thursday Proud and Ursi do all the regular things we do, including chatting about our Weeks in Dota, a segment on the current Carry pool, and a combination of Dark Willow with a hero of Proud's choosing which ended up being Ursa! Some other miscellaneous topics include: Kunkka, Omniknight, Juggernaut, Weaver, 4 Leshrac, and Ursi's Battlecup with the We Like Dota folks!

Direct download: tct_4_4_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:25am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi break into the 7.12d patch notes, their experiences with Dota recently, Ursi throwing a battlecup, and plenty more! For our heroes we chose based on the game and ended up playing Bloodseeker and Pangolier!
Direct download: tct_3_27_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:10am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi break into the 7.12d patch notes, their experiences with Dota recently, Ursi throwing a battlecup, and plenty more! For our heroes we chose based on the game and ended up playing Bloodseeker and Pangolier!
Direct download: tct_3_27_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:10am EDT

Translator's note: this was recorded saturday so patch discussion will come thursday, ya mook.
It's a return to form for Teach Me Tuesday with Beedub and Ursi! This week we're chatting about Bee's short-term return to Dota despite her complete lack of internet at the moment, Ursi's ups-and-downs in Dota, flirting in Assassin's Creed, how the internet actually works, attack speed vs. attack damage, when to buy small items on supports, how to get back into a hero you think is bad, Korean proverbs, and more!
Direct download: tmt_3_26_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 8:49am EDT

Direct download: tct_3_21_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 8:01am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi do all the regular stuff! We're covering our week in dota on both familiar and unfamiliar heroes, leading up to a segment all about the do's and dont's of playing unfamiliar heroes for the first time, and plenty more! Our hero combo this week is Oracle support paired with Proud's newly refined Mars build!

Direct download: tct_3_14_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 7:11am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee is still dota-deprived so we do a mix between a Dota show for the first half(ish) and a casual show for the second half! Other than Dota, our casual show topics include: how none of us know how plants work, Bee's new job, Cats & Ladders (the alternative to Chutes and Ladders), Al Gore inventing the internet (which is a series of tubes), an incredible tale of Proud's Kenshi storyline, boogie boards, and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt_3_12_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 10:20am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are exploring the wide new world of Mars, with its rugged landscape, cartoonish muscles, dead rovers, and beautiful pearly whites. We're covering first impressions, builds, trends we're seeing so far, what his ideal role is vs. what he's passably playable in, and plenty more! Some regular dota conversation as well after an exciting week for both of us!
Direct download: tct_3_7_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 9:03am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi and Bee attempt to return to normalcy but are interrupted by a surprise patch note release and do a review of that instead! We're covering the major buffs, major nerfs, trends, our deep-seated personal problems, our hopes, dreams, why movespeed is king, solving world hunger, and everything else in the course of just 80 minutes.
Direct download: tmt_3_5_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 9:11am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi set out to do one thing, and end up learning a whole lot about something completely different! Our segment revolves around the prevalence of midas, why you're seeing it so often, when it's strong vs. when it's not, and the math behind it all! For heroes we played support Phoenix with mid DK, but we end up focusing on the mid Viper we ran into for the most part, because their build and play was a real treat to learn from!
Direct download: tct_2_28_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 9:31am EDT


Direct download: TMT_2_26_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:06am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi gain a whole bunch of legs, encase themselves in chitin, and consume their young piece by piece to survive winter. Anyway, we talk about a whole bunch of heroes and topics including our reactions to 7.21b, and all of the different archetypes of invisibility that we see in Dota and how to deal with each one most effectively!
Direct download: tct_2_21_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 9:21am EDT


Direct download: tmt_2_19_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:30am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi join together to broadcast words about the video game dota two and how to play it. Some topics from this week include: support Shadow Fiend (???), how best to use bottle, who actually buys bottle, Apex Legends, the difference between satisfying game mechanics in different games, and plenty more! For our hero combo Proud played mid Nightstalker and Ursi played a 5 Lina!
Direct download: tct_2_14_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:05am EDT

Today's Teach Me Tuesday is a real variety of topics! Proud & Bee ramble about some non-Dota stuff including Kenshi, then discuss the woes of calibration and loss of motivation, Lion safe carry, why everyone should play Vengeful Spirit more, Doom builds, Jugg & Lich lanes, Jinada vs Shuriken, Arcane Boots and what they should have been called & more. Want to ask us a question? Send it over! Email them to or message Bee or Ursi to have it answered on the show.

Direct download: TMT_2_12_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:47am EDT

On this week's Theory Craft Thursday Proud and Ursi are talking all about their experiences playing a ton of dota this week in our ever-changing pub meta! We're talking about common hero picks we're seeing, how the hell you deal with Bloodseeker, all these super fast strength heroes, and how to pivoting towards new heroes after a patch! We're playing 1 Chaos Knight and 3 Queen of Pain for the game this week and seeing how each hero works out!

Direct download: tct_2_7_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 7:32am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi are doing their first lesson of 7.21! We're covering Ursi's time calibrating, some of the mentalities which effect calibration in different ways, and more from an overall early-experience perspective of 7.21! For our main segment we're covering unusual support picks, like Luna or Magnus, and how to work around them and make them shine! We also answer questions surrounding which Dota heroes would be the best at drinking games, what place Faerie Fire has in your starting items, and how to deal with farmed Phantom Lancers!
Direct download: tmt_2_5_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:44am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are covering their first couple days of 7.21 excitement and experimentation! Ursi's making some changes to his support pool and working through his calibration, among other things! For our combo we're playing Chen support with Lone Druid in the safelane, which we theorycrafted initially during the patch review show, and seeing how it goes!
Direct download: tct_1_30_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:12am EDT

Patch 7.21 just hit so Proud and Ursi are going into detail on all the big changes you noticed, the small changes you didn't, and everything in between! Also, we crack the code on how all heroes run with max movement speed, why Brewmaster is a real jerk, how LD's Spirit Bear would fare in the circus, and plenty more!
Direct download: patch_1_29_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:56am EDT

Patch 7.21 just hit so Proud and Ursi are going into detail on all the big changes you noticed, the small changes you didn't, and everything in between! Also, we crack the code on how all heroes run with max movement speed, why Brewmaster is a real jerk, how LD's Spirit Bear would fare in the circus, and plenty more!
Direct download: patch_1_29_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:54am EDT

On today's episode, Bee & Proud discuss their recent games of Dota 2, Lich's Sinister Gaze, 3 Sven, Lifestealer & his many teeth, support Naga Siren, Undying and how to stack Battlefuries and Daedali!

Direct download: tmt_1_22_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:40am EDT

On this week's Theory Craft Thursday Proud and Ursi are talking about the new hotness: Dota Auto Chess! We're also covering Ursi's 3 exploration, all the components that go into Roshan fights/attempts, how to steal Aegis most effectively, counters to 3 Sven, and plenty more! For heroes we ended up playing mid Huskar and a casual first-pick-support 5 Rubick!
Direct download: tct_1_17_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:07am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi realize that they're actually having a ton of fun in Dota these days! We chat about how exactly we're having so much fun, what heroes we're playing to have fun, and plenty other positive things! To mitigate all our fun we complain about how Wraith Bands are still a plague upon Dota 2, why Vlads is so good on 3's, when to build Crimson Guard instead of flat armor items, what differentiates initiators vs. counter-initiators, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt_1_14_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:24am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi cover Ursi's transformation into an offlane player, his newfound love of Puck, and plenty more for our week in Dota! Our segment is all about how best to play around running a squishy team comp, which works alongside our hero pairing for the week: Drow mid with Puck offlane, a squishy set of cores!
Direct download: tct_1_9_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:39am EDT

On today's episode of Teach Me Tuesday, Bee & Proud discuss how to win games when you have a rubbish draft, how to recognise what your team is good at & how to gank mid! They also answer some listener questions about fighting Meepo, whether Vlads is back, how to itemise on Underlord & cores, Dota abilities in real life & more!

Direct download: tmt_1_8_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 9:00pm EDT

On this week's Teach Me Thursday Beedub and Ursi are going over Bee's trist with her project hero from last week, Shadow Shaman, and going over the learning and adapting process of picking up a new hero! On the question front we're talking all about magic wand, salve optimization, starting items for various roles, telling middle schoolers not to do drugs, the proper pronunciation of things you don't care about, Sisyphus, Cincinnatus, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct_1_3_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:38am EDT

On this week's special-edition Theorcraft Tuesday Proud and Ursi are ringing in the New Year with a reflection on 2018 and looking forward to 2019 with some goals and plans for how we're going to grow as players moving forward! For our hero combo this week we covered Offlane Pangolier, one of Ursi's current favorite heroes, and Proud takes another stab at playing Lone Druid in the mid lane since last time we had to play it safelane!
Direct download: tmt_1_1_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 6:33am EDT