Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast

On this week's Tuesday Show Zac and Ursi chat about a whole bunch of different topics and answer a few interesting questions! Topics include: Troll Warlord, mid hero preferences for certain situations, Nemestice, Riki (sleeper good?), Pudge, Techies, Monkey King, segues, Cavern Crawl motivations, whether complex heroes are good for the game or not, the best/worst carries from behind, and more!

Direct download: FS-TMT-June28-2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On this week's Thursday Show Ursi and Zac are greeted by the newly-released Nemestice patch! We discuss: the new game mode, the Spectre arcana, the DK persona, the economics of it all, alternative economic models, Valve (in general), Winter Wyvern, TI possibly being delayed, sardines, mustards, randoming, and more!

Direct download: FS-TCT-June-24-2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On this revitalization of the true Teach me Tuesday format, Zac and Bee mourn the cancellation of The International's Sweden venue, along with their impending homework assignments from the new Patreon tiers. Topics include: visa struggles in Sweden, the new executive producer tier, micro heroes, micro hotkeys, micro micro, reversing Beedub's losing streak, mid players giving up without last pick, why supports are played core more than cores are played support, favorite and least favorite spells, and the best (and silliest) Aghs upgrades, and no more!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I can't believe these cohosts of mine don't believe in Tidehunter Aghs.... I've failed as a friend & as a host of the podcast and I pledge to do better in the future.

Direct download: FS-Tuesday-June-21-2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On this week's Thursday Show Ursi, Zac, and Bee gather around the campfire to tell tales of Dota and answer a slew of listener questions! Topics include: Necrophos, Arc Warden's Aghanim's Scepter, Ursi's Kunkka mid games, developing collegiate Dota clubs, stack variety, Jakiro mid (?!), the Overwatch system currently, and more!

Direct download: FS-TCT-6-16.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On a special Monday episode Zafc and Ursi cover tyhe recently-ended DPC Major and launch into a (surprisingly long & in-depth & maybe a little ranty) conversation about the current state of the game! Topics include: 7.30 predictions, DPC formatting, stun creep, mobility creep, Aeon Disk, the current state of neutral items, Mekansm, playoff structure, saves, healing, meta picks, unpicked heroes, and more!

Direct download: FS-DPC-730-Predictions-June2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Proud returns (for his final retrospective episode) with Bee and Ursi! Topics include: a reflection on podcasting from our longest-running hosts, some Lone Druid history, DotP history/discussion, what we've learned from podcasting, Proud discovering the meaning of life, Dota reflections, a couple listener questions, a new shirt (!!!), and tons more! SO LONG SENATOR SCRUMPUS
or here!
Direct download: tct-6-10-21.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:37am EST

On this week's Tuesday Show Bee, Ursi, and Zac gather in the dark basement of an illegal London bar-turned-rave to sit in the corner and discuss Dota. Topics include: getting real results out of your projects/experiments, when experimentation is dangerous for your growth vs. necessary for your growth, the ongoing Major, custom pick screens, Luna opinions from Aui, Ursi's super tilt game, Bee 'going through the motions', Sand King, stack meta, and plenty more!

Direct download: FS-TmT-June-8-2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On this week's Thursday we discuss a whole slew of different heroes and games, some of which are good, others of which are bad, and a few of which are simply unknowable. Topics include: Venerial sins, Faceless Void, which roles tilt the most (and in what ways), Arc Warden, Ursi hitting platinum on Tinker, a mid Kunkka game, Zac's ranked losing streak, player mentality types, 4 Lifestealer, Necrophos, Queen of Pain, and more!

Direct download: FS-TCT-June-2-2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST

On this week's Thursday we discuss a whole slew of different heroes and games, some of which are good, others of which are bad, and a few of which are simply unknowable. Topics include: Venerial sins, Faceless Void, which roles tilt the most (and in what ways), Arc Warden, Ursi hitting platinum on Tinker, a mid Kunkka game, Zac's ranked losing streak, player mentality types, 4 Lifestealer, Necrophos, Queen of Pain, and more!

Direct download: FS-TCT-June-2-2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST

Normally a Patron Exclusive, we're releasing this Deep Dive in place of the week's regular Tuesday show because of how happy we were with it! Topics include: Sniper, Chen, Clinkz, Silencer, Meepo, item balance, hero pool shifts, regional pro dota trends, and plenty more!

Direct download: FS-DDD-June-1-2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EST