Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast

On today's episode of Teach Me Tuesday, Proud & Bee talk about all the different types of disables in Dota 2 and what they do. Also, the infamous topic of base attack time is revisited as Proud takes another crack at explaining what it is and how it works.

Direct download: 2018130_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:49am EDT

On today's show Proud and Ursi are jumping into why suddenly everyone is building Battlefury on their safe-laners, why everyone should actually be building rapiers, Ursi's love hate relationship with Invoker at the moment, and more! For this week's combo we played Monkey King with a rapier build to illustrate the strength of rapiers and pair it with Oracle to try to keep the rapier in play as much as possible! A great rapier game Proud played recently can be found with match ID 3696259670!

Direct download: 20180125_tct.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:06am EDT

On today's episode of Teach Me Tuesday Ursi & Bee focus on all the ins-and-outs of what makes a good support vs. a bad support, how to play support in a greedy fashion without costing your team, how to communicate as a support (and general communication opinions/tips), and more! Our questions for the episode pertained to supporting in slow games, aggro trilaning, and the relative values of playing ranked vs. playing unranked!

Direct download: 20180123_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:34pm EDT

On today's episode Proud and Ursi are joined by special guest Donnie from Pvgna to talk all about the best ways to learn from pro games and then how you can implement & apply what you've learned most effectively! For the combo this week, Proud is focusing on a new Radiance Ursa build that he's testing out and Ursi ends up playing Magnus as a reactionary pick to the game drafts! All this and more on today's show!

Direct download: 20180118_tct.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:46am EDT

Proud and Bee discuss the goals and techniques of Phantom Assassin, Dragon Knight, Doom, and Shadow Shaman that give you that sweet sweet W. Listener questions include a conclusion on the Double Stout trend, whether anyone is allowed to jungle WK under any circumstance, and probably some other stuff.

Direct download: 20180116_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:51am EDT

On this episode of Theory Craft Thursday Proud and Ursi are talking all about their week in Dota, how to effectively mirror enemy support movements to create an advantage, how to establish tempo on an aggressive roaming support and force the enemy to mirror you, and more! Our combo for this week was a safelane Lycan using the Helm of the Dominator into Necronomicon 3 build paired with an offlane Beastmaster for wild strong push!
Direct download: 20180111_tct.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 10:32pm EDT

On this episode of Teach Me Tuesday Ursi is joined by former teachling and current-special-guest Leafy Peachy to chat about a variety of different topics! Our focuses today include Spectre's itemization, talent choices on Spectre, how both Dark Willow and Pangolier have settled now that they've been released for a while, transformative items vs. reinforcing items on carries, how to improve the overall Dota community and maintain the longevity of the game, how to play Legion Commander in the midgame, the value of peoples' win rates on heroes as a judge of their skill, and more!

Direct download: 20180109_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:20pm EDT

On today's episode of Theorycraft Thursday your hosts Proud and Ursi are going in-depth on the new trend of pulling the enemy's initial minute-zero creep wave as the offlaner to build and maintain a strong lane advantage for you as the offlaner! We're also going to be playing Witch Doctor and Dragon Knight together and going into some of the advantages and disadvantages of running jack-of-all-trades supports like Witch Doctor and talking about what makes a good DK game vs. a weak DK game! All this and more on this week's Theorycraft Thursday!

Direct download: 20180104.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:07am EDT

On today's show Beedub and Ursi are working to improve their play for the upcoming 2018 year of Dota with their own new year's resolutions! We're also chatting all about how to play around detection as an invisible hero, what makes a good trilane composition, how to deal with aggressive duolanes as a safelane support, how much money spent countering an opponent is too much money, and much more on today's Teach Me Tuesday!

Direct download: 20180102_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:02am EDT