Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast

On this week's pre-Thanksgiving podcast Zac and Ursi get thankful. Topics include: Dazzle, Anti-Mage, WLDL scrims, Dawnbreaker balance, Ursi's mid drought, League comparisons, Timings, our least bought items, our most bought items, and much more!

Direct download: FS-WednesdayNov242021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

On this week's Thursday Show Zac and Ursi win games, lose games, and litigate games. Topics include: Ursi's continued ranked play, Zac's addiction to changing his name (sorry Zac), Ursi getting gaslit by an elephant trainer, Pangolier, loss psychology, Naga Siren, a questionable Ursa build, Spirit Breaker, Non-Role Roles, and much more!

Direct download: FS-ThursdayNov182021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

On this week's Tuesday Show (released actually on a Tuesday! What a concept!) Ursi, Bee, and Zac discuss 20,000 various leagues. Topics include: Arcane, Zeus, Ursi & Zac's WLDL update, Bee's recent games, Personality-based roles, Ability draft (and Purge's AD tournament), Dota Math, and much more!

Direct download: FS-TuesdayNov16-2021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

On this week's Thursday (woops, Friday) show Zac and Ursi fix Marci and a slew of other heroes. Topics include: camera control optimization, Marci, Juggernaut, Terrorblade, Carry archetypes, a few game reviews, and much more!

Direct download: FS-Friday-November112021.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

On this week's Tuesday (woops, Wednesday) show Bee, Ursi, and Zac present a vision of the world that is new, beautiful, and revolutionary. Topics include: the Herald smurfing into Immortal top-100 games, Ursi & Zac's WLDL so far, team play & dynamics, setting goals, Ursi's ranked commitment, a couple questions, and more!

Direct download: FS-Wednesday-Nov10.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

On this week's Thursday Show Zac and Ursi chat about their WLDL team, progress, and finally cover the big smurfing topic we've been meaning to cover in length! 

Direct download: FS-Thursday-Nov4.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:00am EDT