Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi get together to bask in the glory of Eul. Topics include: Monkey King, Outworld Devourer, Snapfire mid, Snapfire support, Snapfire aghs, Snapfire lore, Snapfire's lizard, Eul's on carries, Batrider, laning dynamics, Hades, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct-9-23-20.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:53pm EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee plays an 80 minute game and Ursi and her go through it, figuring out what went wrong, what went right, and more! Topics include: Zeus (surprise, surprise), Dune, dealing with smurfs, Invoker, Bee's upcoming charity PUBG tournament, Nyx, the nature of long games & why the end up as long games, and plenty more

Direct download: tmt-9-22-20.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:01pm EDT

In this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi return to form, playing heroes they love, trying new builds, and thinking about Dota! Topics include: warding value in the current support meta, Hot Wheels, Monkey King, Rapier, Nyx Assassin, Diffusal Blade Winranger, Terrorblade, Mask of Madness carry trends, Dune, How to do literally anything on the map in a stalemate, and tons more!


My external cooling fan was on during the recording so my audio is shit but I learned some neat new tricks and got it listenable because that's just how much I care about you ;)

Direct download: tct-9-17-20.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:59pm EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi offer up approximately 900 opinions, at least 3 of which are guaranteed to make you, specifically, unhappy with us. Topics include: Bee's Phoenix experiment continuing, Sniper, Ursi's vitriolic dislike of Zeus, various food opinions, what the hell Bovril is (?), which dota heroes would be picky eaters, deli sandwiches, what the best vegetable is, and tons more!

Direct download: tct-9-16-20.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 10:18am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Ursi is joined by Bee while Proud is on sabbatical, uncovering the mysteries of various tombs. Topics include: 3 position Bloodseeker trends, Bee learning Phoenix, Ursi's experiments with OD as both a 3 and a traditional mid, drafting around unique offlaners, the wonders of Snowdonia, and tons more!

Direct download: tct-9-9-20.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:01pm EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi converts Bee into a Phoenix player, also we talk about other things. Topics include: MVP calculations, Venge's laning phase, regional bbq/party games, what heroes are the most universally fun for people, Dota peripherals, Sven issues, Ursi feeding on Axe, Sniper, and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt-9-2-20.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:44am EDT