Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Proudland is going mid.  They called it first.  Didn't you see their icon there?  Fine.  Go mid.  But they're going mid too.  And if you don't leave.  They'll feed.  Don't believe me?  Just watch it.  They totally will.  Report them.  See if they care.  Seriously.  Mid.  Mid or feed.
Direct download: dotp_2016-09-30-mixdown.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 2:13am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

DotP is taking a stab at providing a look at the current happenings in the Dota 2 pro scene.  Cyphus and Roland bring Last Hit News into the limelight with a more serious tone by taking a look at Mars Dota 2 League's Autumn 2016 tournament.  They preview the upper and lower brackets in the playoffs, provide a rundown of performances in the group stage, the current player rosters, and more in the first half-hour edition of the Dota 2 NEWS podcast!  
Direct download: LHN_9-29-16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 2:08am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Ursinity and Proud are tackling a new dual lane combo this week: Treant Protector and Sniper.  They also have a discussion about farming in safe lane as carry and support.  Find out how the game went, what they built, and more in the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: theory-20160929-mixdown.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:54am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Cyphus, Ursinity and Flubb get together for a chat about variations in item builds.  They discuss when to do it, what it means, common items and heroes where items vary, how item builds vary by position and who varies most, and then start to wonder what they even started talking about in the first place.  Plus: Crystal Maiden Blademail, Death Prophet Desolator/Necronomicon, Underlord being awesome, and more stuff Ursinity has a strong distaste for.  All this and more in the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: DotP_Wednesday_9-27-16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:05am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Wazoo and Flubb are tackling drafting, but this time with a focus on team fighting and lane dominance.  Plus they discuss the latest item of the week selected by the listeners and announce a new poll to go live Tuesday afternoon on Twitter!  All this and more in the Dota 2 realm on the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: ThT_9-26-16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:47am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Cyphus and Roland talk about the completion of the demographics survey for the podcast and future plans moving forward before delving in to a meaty discussion about how Roland wants to jungle responsibly.  They also talk the benefits of gaining MMR slowly in Dota 2, common pitfalls of 2k players as they see it, carrying in the 2k bracket, and hopes for better days in Dota 2.  All this and more in the latest episode of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: dotp_main_9-26.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:39am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Theorycrafters are looking at a classic combo today and exploring how it works and why.  They theorycraft about Phantom Assassin/Omniknight, test it out, and report back.  All this and more in the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast!
Direct download: TcT_9-22-16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 2:07am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Flubb, Ursinity, Wazoo and Cyphus are talking about the versatility required, and seen, in current Dota 2 positions.  They talk about their ranking of carry, mid, offlane and supports for which positions require the most versatility in heroes played.  Then they discuss their own versatility, how they've enhanced it, and how versatility in Dota 2 can reward and punish an individual player.  All this, Kool-Aid barrels and more in the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast!
Direct download: DotP_Wednesday_9_21_16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 12:13pm EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Flubb and Wazoo are joined by AG47 for a discussion about switching positions on a competitive Dota 2 team.  They talk why you might do it, good ways to transition, how they've transitioned, and more on the latest episode of the Dota 2 podcast!
Direct download: ThT_9-19-16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 2:36am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Cyphus and Roland discuss Roland's distraction from Dota 2: building his own escape room.  Then Cyphus has a new Dota 2 love to go with his Medusa: Spectre.  They talk the satisfaction of finding the hero, adapting to the playstyle, and the enlightenment discovered in Purge's coaching videos for players at their skill level.  All this and more in the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: DotP_Main_9_19_2016.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:49am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast.

On this episode of the DotA 2 show, Proudland. Roland and Proud discuss what makes the safelane, safe! How to tri-lane effectively, and most of all, what you damn supports should be doing. Tune in to the latest on Defense of the Patience.
Direct download: Proudland_Ep_3.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 9:53am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Ursinity and Proud are forgoing the combos this week on Theorycraft Thursdays for a special edition.  This week they're talking playing in mixed skill parties in Dota 2, both as the lowest MMR and the highest MMR as well as the attitudes, strategies and playstyles that one should be using in both settings.  All this and more in the latest episode of the Dota 2 podcast!
Direct download: TcT_9-14-2016.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:42am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

The Me Mid DotP Roundtable is back in action this week at full strength.  They're diving in to their personal processes for trying to grind MMR.  They derail into a conversation about the Slacks/Purge Coaching video recently put out, how big your hero pool should be to continue to gain MMR, and respond to some listener feedback.  All this and more on the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: DotP_Wednesday_9-12-16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:53am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Flubb and Wazoo are talking about everybody's favorite topic in Dota 2: aggression.  They talk about when to get aggressive, when to take a team fight and, more importantly, when to not.  All this and more on the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: ThT_9-12-2016.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:40am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Cyphus is joined by Grouty on this podcast to talk being Grooty, how to build Medusa, the DotP Inhouses, and playing out-of-meta heroes.  All this and more on the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: DotP_w__Grouty.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:32am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Proud and Roland get together for another in-depth, off-the-rails look at an additional piece of the Dota 2 map: the safe lane.  They talk about what to do there, who to lane there and why, and all the basics you need to know to properly utilize the lane.  All this and more in the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast.
Direct download: Proudland_Episode_2.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 4:34am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Proud is down an Ursinity today, but never fear: Skrunk is here!  They pick up a little of the offlane conversation from last Friday's Proudland, talk about their theorycrafted combo (Spectre/Necrophos), how they intend to build it, the strengths, and then head off to the lanes to test it out and report back.  Tune in for the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast!
Direct download: Corrected_TCT_9-7-16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 2:34am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Cyphus, Flubb and Ursinity are down a Wazoo today, but they do their damnedest to co-op his idea for the show title while he's away.  They talk about some listener feedback concerning camera controls, control presets, and those terrible mini-map clicks when you're trying to run away and survive in Dota 2.  They also discuss taking a break from Dota 2, how that impacts you and how it can hurt or help.  They discuss Monkey King and how Cyphus' missed that part of TI only to discover the hero was being released today.
Direct download: DotP_Wednesday_9-6-16.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:40am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

The Tryhards are talking about that ever-elusive concept for we pubbers: the meta.  They talk about adapting to new metas, strategies for gaining MMR as new metas form, and how to go with the flow of change in the game as a whole.  All this and more on the latest edition of the Dota 2 podcast!
Direct download: ThT_9-5-2016.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 11:33pm EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Roland and Cyphus are all over the place in this episode as they discuss their recent bout with a couple of escape rooms, Roland's Dota 2 adventures with the Mrs., the latest encounter Cyphus had with a Russian, and much, much more in this late-night recorded Monday episode.
Direct download: Raindrops.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 4:19am EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Proud and Roland bring you a new Friday show with Proudland where they try desperately to educate you about a general Dota 2 topic without tangentalizing to their own dooms.  This week they're talking about the offlane in Dota 2: who should be there, why heroes are ran there, how it's different from the safe lane and much, much more.  Check out the latest episode of the Dota 2 podcast!
Direct download: Proudland_Episode_1.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 12:39pm EDT

Defense of the Patience - A Dota 2 Podcast

Ursinity and Proud tackle a theorycrafted combo with LanM's Kunkka build and Arc Warden!  Find out how they built the combo, how they think it will synergize and then hear the results after a trial run in a good old Dota 2 pub.  All this and more on the Dota 2 podcast!
Direct download: DotP_TcT_8-31-2016.mp3
Category:Video Games -- posted at: 1:39am EDT