Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast
On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi break down the core concepts of the offlane duo vs. safelane duo dynamic in our current metagame! On top of that main segment we're chatting about the worst Slark build Ursi ever willed into existence and plenty more! Hero focuses for this week are Ursi's Shadow Shaman and Proud trying his hand at Sven after some non-carry theorycrafting!
Direct download: tct_12_27_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:15am EDT

On this week's very festive Teach Me Tuesday Ursi and Bee are covering all sorts of topics including: Ursi's project heroes, why he thinks 'project heroes' are so beneficial to improving at dota, when to abandon a lane as a support to let your safelaner get solo exp, holiday dota trends, sniper builds, non-traditional 3's, what hero abilities we would want to have in real life, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt_12_25_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:18am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are in the holiday spirit playing Clinkz and (the newly arcana-d) Rubick! We brave the most dangerous of all hallways in our attempt to parse out, via metaphors and what very well may have been a fever dream, how to effectively lane as a squishy duo while still establishing and maintaining lane dominance, and plenty more!
Direct download: TCT_12_20_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 7:12am EDT

I forgot my push to talk this took so long t o edit i hope you're happy

Direct download: tmt_12_19_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:03am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi breka through the hierarchy of items, cover their weeks in dota, and learn about the ultimate futility of life in a world owned and ruled by Clinkz and his skeleton army enforcers. We also attempt to play Lone Druid and KotL and do our best, which is what counts (right?!?)
Direct download: tct_12_13_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 6:22pm EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi and Beedub break through all the 7.20e patch changes in not-quite-agonizing-but-still-long detail! We also learn about how Wraith Bands are a bad influence on their peers, Tony Hawk Pro Dota Player, the ultimate April Fools play for Valve, why Magnus is so strong and how his nerfs will affect him and others, whether Death Prophet is an actual hero, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt_12_11_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:24am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi cover their exciting last week in dota filled with all of the trials and tribulations a proper week in dota should! For our main segment we're covering the current 7.20d carry pool of 6 main carries that are really shining at the moment (Jugg, PA, Monkey King, Faceless Void, Slark, and most recently Anti-Mage)! On the hero-front Proud is playing a carry Lycan while Ursi tests out a 4 position support Omniknight!
Proud's LD:
Direct download: tct_12_6_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:03am EDT


Direct download: tmt_12_5_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:59am EDT

Tonight Valve dropped a surprise 7.20d mini-patch with a slew of nerfs, changes, buffs, and other things to talk about so we're doing a patch review ASAP! Join us as we do math (sometimes well, sometimes poorly), establish Dota 3's ability system, and plenty more!
Direct download: 720d_patcholli.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:38am EDT

In this week's episode of Theory Craft Thursday Proud and Ursi are explaining how the meta has shaped up to be in this first chunk of 7.20, with all the various item, stat, and hero changes! We're covering why games feel hectic and fast, what items are shining, what hero archetypes are popular, and plenty more! For our hero combo Proud is playing a mid lane Outworld Devourer with the brand new Kayasha, Tranquil Boots, and a Shadow Blade while Ursi attempts to learn a 3 Doom, for better or worse!
Direct download: TCT_11_29_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 6:27am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Proud and Ursi are doing a complete review of 7.20c, the newest iteration of 7.20, followed by a simple explanation of how best to deal with the current pub pests: Slark and Phantom Assassin! We're also covering a bunch of 7.20-specific questions so look out for those!
Direct download: tmt_11_27_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:24am EDT

On this week's Theory Craft Thursday we are basking in the glory of 7.20's changes and our ability to once again enjoy theorycrafting dota two concepts! We're going over all our big take-a-ways from our first couple days playing the patch including: what seems busted strong, what met expectations, whatt exceeded expectations, what needs fixing, what we thought would be strong but actually wasn't, how wraith bands got stupid strong, and plenty more! For the hero combo we tested our 3 Tidehunter with a 4 Bounty Hunter to play around with some of the newly changed heroes! Thanks for listening!
Direct download: tct_11_22_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:13am EDT

All our blood sacrifices have done their job at long last and we were blessed by the heavens with not only a bonkers wild patch 7.20 but also a 7.20b, which was released around 4 hours into this recording and we cover at around 4hrs 14min if you're particularly interested in skipping to that new bit. Theorycraft Thursday upcoming tomorrow also! Enjoy!
Direct download: TcW_patchpatchpatch_full.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:02am EDT




Direct download: tmt_11_20_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:37am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi are doing their full patch reflection & wrap-up, covering all the things they learned and reflected on from this long, long patch! Some topics include: resolutions for 7.20, the effect of duolanes on our thinking about hero viability, commitment to new roles, balancing role queue when exploring new roles, tower hitters, pub innovation vs. pro innovation, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt_11_13_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:25am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi form a suppport group to survive the next 2 weeks before 7.20's release on November 19th, right alongside the Artifact beta which also starts on the exact same day for some ungodly reason. We played a great game this week and cover Drow Ranger's aghs & maelstrom style as well as support abaddon's strengths and weaknesses, among other things!
Direct download: tct_11_8_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:56am EDT

Today's Teach Me Tuesday is a little different than usual! The patch STILL hasn't emerged so Proud teaches Bee about the origins of Dota. They also ramble about favourite hero lore and sandwiches. Please give us the patch. ᶦᵗˢ ᵏᶦˡˡᶦⁿᵍ ᵘˢ

Direct download: tmt_11_6_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:38am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi usher in the beginning of Big Boy Season, the best time of year. Please give us 7.20 we are dying over here mr. valve
Direct download: tct_11_1_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:52am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi are jumping into their pre-patch plans, their top hopes they're looking for in the patch we expect to come out this week or next, our hero/role focuses for the upcoming patch, pivoting to other roles maybe, and plenty more! For questions we cover utility item prioritization for 4's/5's, which heroes each host should get paired with on (potentially disastrous) blind dates, what heroes wouldn't get Ursi fired if he brought them in as guest speakers at his school, the ethics of dating pugna, and more! Pick/Counterpick also is covering Dazzle and Bounty Hunter this week!
Direct download: tmt_10_30_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:49am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are wading through a whole slew of topics to cover some listener questions that were eating away at us! Topics include: gauging core strength, magic ember spirit, the 4 primary carry archetypes, pick order in pubs, Puck's current place in the meta, Bounty Hunter's current place in the meta, regen pooling, what roaming looks like at the moment in the meta, grimstroke's best comboes and best counters, and plenty more!
Direct download: tct_10_24_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:41am EDT

win some you lose some

Direct download: tmt_10_23_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:53am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are talking all about that awkward situation where you pick heroes for the safelane but have your lane stolen and are forced to cobble together some sort of alternative plan in the offlane! We're playing Sven and Lina to cover this topic and seeing how it goes! All this and plenty more on today's show!
Direct download: tct_10_18_18_.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:09am EDT

This week on Teach Me Tuesday, Bee & Proud go over the most recent mini patch, 7.19d, and all the nerfs it brings. The Pick vs Counter Pick today is with Windranger and Elder Titan and then a multitude of listener questions are answered; how to use Moonlight Shadow, playing around a farmed tanky hero, courier sniping, getting rid of stout/quell and more!

Direct download: tmt_10_16_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 6:21am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are learning new heroes they've never played before: Ursi's learning Arc Warden and Proud's learning Templar Assassin! We're covering our plans & attitudes going into our first time playing each hero and then reflecting on the experience in our post-game segment to see what went wrong, what went right, and whether we'll actually be playing these heroes in the future! We also establish family lore for Arc Warden, a vital part of the learning experience.
Direct download: tct_10_11_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:33am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Proud and Ursi are burning through even more of our never-ending pile of questions we've gotten recently! Some topics include, but are not limited to: the confusing details behind long range kills, Natures Prophet support, how to highground when your team sucks at it, dealing with creep cutting enemies, armor vs. HP, Aquila on Intelligence mids, how to read a draft quickly after draft phase, whether coaching is actually worth it, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt_10_8_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:15am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are dreading the next month without a patch after Wyrkhm's update on the 7.20 release schedule but having a lot of fun playing Arc Warden and Juggernaut to soothe their souls! For our main segment we're covering how to balance a global presence on heroes like Tinker or Natures Prophet or Arc Warden with still being an active contributor to your team when it's necessary! All this and plenty more tangents on this week's show!
Direct download: tct_10_4_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:08am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi are jamming in a ton of questions after you overachievers sent in approximately 1 million of them! Some of the topics include: when to get bottle, how quas/wex invoker works (or doesn't work), slardar's state in the current game, the value of your safelane tower, Enchantress builds/strengths, Offlane hero pools, how much regen is too much regen, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt_10_1_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:22am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi bask in the glory of rapier gaming and have a great time for the first time in a while with this recent patch! Proud is playing offlane Magnus with a rapier built pretty early and Ursi's playing 4 Riki! In our Week in Dota segment we talked about seeing tons of Juggernaut recently, Role Queue population, Ranked vs. Unranked game quality, and more! The full segment this week was all about how we like to play late in a patch when we're very bored: Ursi's learning brand new heroes he rarely plays, and Proud's working on honing his main few heroes he loves!
Direct download: tct_9_27_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:51pm EDT


Direct download: tmt_9_25_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:07am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are covering plenty: Ursi's movement to EU West servers, the ethics of eating Jellyfish, nutritional cannibalism, and more! Our full segment is on how to effectively win after you've created an early lead instead of throwing it all away with a couple bad moves; we talk amindset, itemization, and other overall strategies to secure your wins after a dominant early game. The hero combo this week is Lich and Enigma in the offlane with the intention of creating an early lead for your team and an early deficit for the enemy due to the double deny mechanic; lets see how it goes!
Direct download: tct_9_20_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:52am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi is joined by John from Shelved Games since Bee is out sick this week! We're covering plenty of stuff but mostly focusing on branching out as a player, the most common and yet most difficult part of all our dota lives, particularly how mid is so awkward to learn but so gratifying once you've gotten comfortable! On the questions front we're covering being confident in your decisions, communicating effectively as a mid player that's having a tough time, Save Your Friends Syndrome, how best to use your drum charges, splitpushing vs. fighting as a core, and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt_9_18_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:59am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi is joined by John from Shelved Games since Bee is out sick this week! We're covering plenty of stuff but mostly focusing on branching out as a player, the most common and yet most difficult part of all our dota lives, particularly how mid is so awkward to learn but so gratifying once you've gotten comfortable! On the questions front we're covering being confident in your decisions, communicating effectively as a mid player that's having a tough time, Save Your Friends Syndrome, how best to use your drum charges, splitpushing vs. fighting as a core, and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt_9_18_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:59am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi is joined by John from Shelved Games since Bee is out sick this week! We're covering plenty of stuff but mostly focusing on branching out as a player, the most common and yet most difficult part of all our dota lives, particularly how mid is so awkward to learn but so gratifying once you've gotten comfortable! On the questions front we're covering being confident in your decisions, communicating effectively as a mid player that's having a tough time, Save Your Friends Syndrome, how best to use your drum charges, splitpushing vs. fighting as a core, and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt_9_18_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:58am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday a losing-fatigued Ursi and Proud cover their recent dota leading up to a long, thorough discussion of their hopes for the upcoming patch, 7.20, and the aspects of the game they think should be changed and/or will be changed! We also learn the Ursi is incapable of doing even basic math and should be properly shamed.
Direct download: tct_9_13_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:50am EDT

beee didn't give me a description or title so this is what you get who even reads these anyway lamo 

Direct download: tmt_9_11_19.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:11am EDT

fcuk yuo

Direct download: ursi_madlibs.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:50am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi dig deep to assess their current inability to win dota 2 games. Maybe it's our fault, maybe it's our teammates fault, who knows (we do, it's their fault)? We're playing Magnus offlane to accent a safelane Ember Spirit pick and seeing how it all pans out! This and plenty more on today's episode!
Direct download: tct_9_6_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:44am EDT

 On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi are going over some of Bee's first times playing new heroes and new roles and how best to go about learning new things! We're going in-depth on a laning phase mid matchup of Lina vs. Sniper as well as covering some more general mid lina concepts/builds/etc. and other fundamental mid-lane skills anyone needs to work on their mid play. For questions we're covering the background strategy behind Lich's deny mechanic, BKB timings and how best to utilize them, dealing with really annoying harass lanes, and more!
Direct download: tmt_9_4_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:05am EDT

Proud and Ursi are covering the entirety of the post-TI balance patch 7.19b! It's mostly nerfs to top-picked TI heroes that we somewhat expected but a lot of smaller, more interesting nerfs and some interesting overall changes to our pubs before the upcoming major patch we expect sometime around a month from now!

Direct download: patch_719b_9_2_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:54pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are completing their new-hero trist with Grimstroke by playing him and trying to convince Ursi he needs to become a Grimstroke spammer (spoiler: he will be)! We're also casually covering our strategy now that we're trying to play and climb more seriously, a lot of lane partner pair-ups with Grimstroke, how to fit Earthshaker into a team comp, why pubs are bad at Spectre even though she's great, adapting pro or high-level strategies into your pub play, countering a defensive duo safelane, Mario's advantures in dimensional portals, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct_8_30_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:19am EDT

 On this week's Weach me Wednesday, Proud & Bee give you the low-down on everything Grimstroke; from items to skill builds, his abilities and how to play him! They also discuss Clinkz's clarity consumption, why no one builds Battlefury anymore, some predictions on what the upcoming patch will bring and more.

Direct download: tmt_8_29_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:10pm EDT

Proud, Bee, and Ursi are all back from The International and covering their favorite bits, least favorite bits, looking ahead to next year's TI (for better or worse), covering their new motivations to actually be appreciably better at Dota, and plenty more! We're also covering our favorite players, our favorite storylines, and other pro-dota related topics we rarely cover on the regular shows!

Direct download: ti_wrap_up_8_28_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:28am EDT

I sorta just described it in the title oops lmao im doing this at the event please be kind to me

Direct download: cashul_8_22_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:01pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi break into the first day of the group stage matches of TI, super-late-game decision making after Ursi had a 83 minute game this week, and plenty more! For our main segment we're covering the trends from day 1 of the Group Stage which can be summarized as "we're really smart and all of pro dota listens to this show please hire us"! For heroes we're covering a stat-focused PA build Proud and Ursi are both in love with and Ursi is playing offlane Centaur! At the end we cover our TI content & meet-up plans as well as Proud's tour guide to Vancouver!
Direct download: tct_8_16_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:25am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi work on a beginner's guide to mid as Bee's started to pick up the position and embrace her heel turn into a mid player (maybe, kind of)! We're specifically talking a lot about Shadow Fiend, the different archetypal mid roles, and when you should actually gank side lanes (regardless of your teammates' whining)! For questions we're burning through quite a few and covering everything from mid broodmother to Axe's tempo to farm efficiency, force staff efficiency, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt_8_14_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:58am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi fly too close to the sun by attempting to play core Crystal Maiden by abusing her +250 attack speed talent and it goes as expected. It's a great example, if a little strange, of how the proper process of theorycrafting a new build should go when it comes to analyzing a hero's strengths and weaknesses and building around to amplify strengths while mitigating potential weaknesses. For our weak in Dota we have Ursi realizing he's a terrible Invoker player and Proud explains exactly how one figures out how to approach the game strategically once they've taken all the outer towers and are forced to figure out how to approach high ground (hint: its about buying a gem!). All this and more on this week's show!

Direct download: tct_8_9_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:43am EDT

No description either. Money's a bit tight feel free to give us some. Or just me personally, it's fine either way. 

Direct download: tmt_8_7_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:45am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi try Daedalus Tiny and are never the same afterwards. Ursi's playing his newfound love Dark Willow and having a grand old time with all her combos and whatnot. For our segment we're focusing on Creep Cutting and how this relatively simple tactic can win you plenty of pubs so long as you're aware of it, set yourself up for it properly, and execute it well! All this and more on this week's show!
Direct download: tct_8_2_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:14am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi are covering the brand new patch 7.19, how to counter Phoenix & Morphling, analyzing Bee's recent pub losing streak, Ursi becoming relaxed & zen this week in his pubs, and plenty more! For listener questions we're covering efficient mango usage, why Aquila is so OP, when to buy gems, Octarine Core in general, whether or not we should bother investing time into Enchantress since she's strong right now, and how best to survive on a deserted island.

Direct download: tmt_7_31_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:04am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are going over a whole slew of observations about the recent metagame, their observations from watching day 1 of The Summit, why Phoenix is a god, Ursi's attempts to make 4 Kunkka work again, Proud's attempts to make LD work again, Proud playing with Jenkins, and plenty else! For heroes we're covering Crystal Maiden in depth, especially the whole mystique around her +250 attack speed talent, and Wraith King, who loves his kids!
Direct download: tct_7_25_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:20pm EDT

This week’s episode is all about Spectre! Proud sheds some light on Bee’s recent Spectre games and what went wrong/right with haunting, itemization, farming & more. They also discuss high ground pressure and when to back, big ults with big cooldowns, what to do when you team takes bad fights, how to avoid Skywrath’s wrath & what to do when heroes are missing.

Direct download: tmt_7_24_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:15am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are going about decribing exactly what the idea of 'flow of the fight' is and how that impacts your late game decision making regarding items, talents, and even hero choices from the get-go! After our regular Week in Dota segment we're focusing our hero specific segment on carry Bloodseeker (all applies to mid BS as well) who's real strong at the moment as well as 4 Pudge played by Ursi who discovers the wonderful, terrible, gore-filled world of Pudge!

Direct download: tct_7_19_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:12am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi are delving into the nuance of dishing out harass from an aggressive perspective as well as what to do when you're getting seriously harassed from a defensive position. We're also covering all those weird talents like Crystal Maiden's +250 Attack Speed and when they're actually useful, the difficult choices between Aeon Disk, BKB, & Linkens, why Ursi's salty about Purge's Crystal Maiden video, and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt_7_17_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:31am EDT

Description: On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are going into some specific maneuvers & techniques that you can put into your play for an edge! We're also chatting about our last 2 weeks in dota, Proud's newfound offlane position, Invoker fears, Dragon Knight bullying, and plenty more! For heroes we're playing Phoenix as a support and Tiny as a safelane carry and exploring how they work with their flexible positioning and strength as a pairing!
Direct download: tct_7_11_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:55am EDT

pls buy them

Direct download: tmt_7_10_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:17am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi try out a brand new segment for the first time, centered around picks & counterpicks, before going into a full explanation of Ursi's idea before the 4 archetypes of Win Conditions that we talk about on the shows all the time! For questions we cover a bit about broodmother, a bit about dagon, Nova Scotian money pits, what the differences between 4's and 5's are in this 2-1-2 metagame, what each of the numerical roles translates to in terms of actual heroes, and more!

Direct download: tmt_7_3_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:20am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi go through the brand new patch, 7.18, and highlight the most important changes that'll be affecting all our pubs in the upcoming weeks! Some highlights include the changes to lots of early-game laners getting increased mana costs, Doom getting a brutal movespeed nerf, Enigma's Midnight Pulse getting changed around, and plenty of other small nerfs & buffs! For heroes this week Ursi is playing Offlane Enigma and Proud's working out his Safelane Sven!

Direct download: tct_6_28_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:58am EDT

This week on Teach Me Tuesday, Bee & Proud go over a whole bunch of support heroes! They talk about what makes good picks, what a support needs to help your team, which supports aren't so hot this meta and so on. Listener questions answered this week cover item builds on CK & his abilities, what to pair Shadow Shaman with & Aghs on Gyro.

Direct download: tmt_6_26_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:56am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud & Ursi are doing an in-depth look at the heroes enabled by our now-settled 2-1-2 metagame! Notably, we're talking about Undying, Skywrath, support Zeus, Silencer, Nightstalker, all the offlane cores that are shining at the moment, and plenty other heroes that are trending! We're also covering some casual dota chat like the most painful ways to lose, Phantom Assassin, and more!

Direct download: tct_6_21_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:43am EDT

Bee's out this week with the plague so Ursi is doing a quick solo Q&A followed by this week's Patron casual show from all 3 hosts that covers a bit of everything! We'll be back to usual on Thursday!

Direct download: tmt_6_19_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:38am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi go back to the classics and aggro duo as Necrophos annd 4 Windranger! We're also covering our calibration results, how early-season mmr uncertainty skews game quality/results, Dead Lanes, annoying people to death, how to win even if you're in a bad mental state from the start of the game, and plenty more!

Direct download: tct_6_14_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:38am EDT

On today's Teach Me Tuesday, Proud & Bee briefly go over their recent calibrations and the new 7.17 Patch. The main topic this episode is all about drafting; how to pick the best heroes for your team and avoid counter picks! They also chat about itemization on Dragon Knight & Troll Warlord, what to do if you get two cores in one lane and go on a tangent about Bloodbourne.

Direct download: tmt_6_12_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 9:56pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are going into a whole slew of topics including: why Luna is so strong at the moment, our recalibration strategies, a Wraith King carry game Ursi threw together, why buybacks are so strong in the mid-game, Proud's reassessment of the metagame after watching a bunch of Super Major, and plenty more! For our hero focus we're mostly covering 4 Naga Siren and how that functions in a team comp, specific pairings that work well with it, and Proud plays Monkey King to illustrate a particularly strong safelane pairing!
Direct download: tct_6_6_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:55am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi are talking about a ton of different items and the nuances to itemization orders! In terms of heroes we're focusing on Zeus and Bane, particularly Bane's nuanced usage of Nightmare, as well as Ursi's traitorous dislike of Venge. As far as larger topics are concerned, we're delving into the wonderful world of disassembling items and the efficiency it builds into your play, starting items in the various roles & the accompanying rationale for various starting set-ups, the relative value of Medallion vs. Solar Crest, fitting weird offlaners into team comps, a brief explanation of the LOONAverse, how to zone effectively, and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt_6_5_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 11:08am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud is back from Birmingham so we're covering his time there, the Birmingham Major trends, and all that. Ursi's covering his week in dota as well featuring mostly Zeus and occasionally other things, Proud's getting back into dota after a travel-induced break in this wonderful new world of +4 base damage 7.16, and plenty more! For our combo we opted to run Rubick and safelane Lone Druid, Proud tested out this new NoTail build that's more hero-focused!

Direct download: tct6_1_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:46am EDT

We just got back from ESL Burningham and welp guess we should review that patch xd

Direct download: tct_5_29_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT

On this week’s Theorycraft Thursday Ursi is joined by Skrunk to hang out and talk about everything you, specifically, have ever wanted from a dota two podcast. Topics Include: HP Regen laning meta, Timbersaw, Skrunk’s opinions on role queue and the health of the game, what to do when there’s too many support players in your stacks, why Io is dope strong, visage mid, how to become a mid player or transition from any role into another, why Ursi is so in love with armlet, Russian bot farms, and plenty more!

Direct download: 20180523.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:25am EDT

This week on Teach Me Tuesday, Proud & Beedub chat about the dos & don'ts of maybe the most agonising things in dota, playing from behind! They also discuss tricky Venge swaps, Abaddon shields, keeping track when playing a micro hero, camera binds, daily heroes, Mask of Madness Juggernaut, the fall of Bloodseeker and more!

Direct download: tmt_5_22_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:33am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud & Ursi are running through all the changes to hero choices and laning that have developed over the last couple weeks after the most recent 2 patches, including how to deal with all the Axe we're seeing now-a-days! For heroes this week we're covering Spectre & Slark for carries and Warlock & Lich for supports, we ended up playing Warlock and Spectre in the actual game! All this and more on this week's show!

Direct download: tct_5_17_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:08am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub and Ursi are delving into the wild wild world of support item choices, and the bizarre lovecraftian flow chart of situations that lead you into each item depending on your hero, the game, what items you've already built, and everything else support-item-wise! On the question side of things we're covering our dota superstitions, how best to ward when you're trapped in your base, how to work on training your map awareness, how to beat a losing streak, and plenty more!

Direct download: tmt_5_15_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:12am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are covering all things Battlepass, mostly talking about our experiences and opinions about ranked role queue! We're also covering the new duo lane 2-1-2 meta, when it's good, when it's bad, certain heroes who work in it that weren't working in the old offlane metagame, and plenty more! For heroes Proud is covering mid Windranger and Ursi is playing support Lina!

Direct download: tct_5_9_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:15am EDT

Lanes are very importante mis amigos

Direct download: tmt_5_7_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:25am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are going over the trends in their last week in dota, like losing to 4 cores, the state of slark (spoiler: he's still bad), maelstrom, and other reactions to 7.14 changes! For our segment this week we're covering why you should be pushing side lanes as a support (or as a core, but we focus on the support angle) to open up the map, force enemy TPs, mess up enemy coordination, build your own farm, and much more! We're playing Clinkz in the mid lane and Silencer as a support for this week's hero combo as well!

Direct download: tct_5_2_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:55am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi & Beedub are going over their highlights and lowlights of the new patch, 7.14, including the mango sale, the potential resurgence of duo lanes, various hero changes, and more! The n we're covering a whole bunch of viewer questions with topics such as how to deal with aggro duo lanes, safe hero picks, specific hard counter picks to look for for free wins, jungling & how to fix it in its current iteration, how to convince people to do things like make proper item choices both in solo queue and in your stacks, and much more!

Direct download: tmt_5_1_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:56pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are talking about their recent battlecup win, Proud's storied love affair with Drow, Ursi's similarly storied but slightly more sallacious love affair with Kunkka, how to win your own Battlecup, learning to use smokes effectively, and more! For our segment we're examining the general things to keep in mind regarding how best to punish poor play from your opponents, and play games where you know you're the highest mmr and need to take advantage of that by outmaneuvering your enemies, punishing weak enemy drafts that allow you to be greedy, and more! For our hero combo we're talking about Venge and Drow and how to deal with a super lost safelane in the mid-game!

Direct download: tct_4_26_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:22am EDT

On this week's episode of Teach Me Tuesday, Proud & Beedub look at writing a Dota 2 priority list to help out in those moments where you're not sure what to do. They also discuss what heroes are good against Axe, how to get your Dota mojo back, whether life steal is worth it, Dota cosmetics, action films, candied apples, bad segues, fighting cats and more!

Direct download: tmt_4_23_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:17am EDT

On this week's episode of Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are talking all about Ursi's boy Kunkka, all the different available builds for him, and running him with Proud's Drow Ranger, a recently trending hero, and Skrunk's Visage (mid)! We're also covering the incredible utility aspect of Blink Dagger as a farming tool to amp up core farming, not just as a fighting item! All this and more on today's show!

Direct download: tct_4_18_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:03am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Ursi and Beedub are covering how best to scale as a support, when to try to scale into a full core vs. when to opt for more supporty/utility items using Kunkka and Silencer as examples. For our questions we're covering how horribly Ursi threw this 1 terrorblade game, strategizing around buybacks (when to save for them, when not to, etc.), how best to utilize tomes, who Rod of Atos is core on and who it's optional on, and much more!

Direct download: tmt_4_17_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:04am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are exploring the wonderful world of dagon gaming in earnest, dispelling the memey nature around this underrated item! For our Week in Dota segment we're covering Ursi's renewed losing streak (briefly, I promise), his mistakes attempting to play Ember Spirit as though that hero is anything other than awful, and his renewed love of Kunkka; Proud is winning more dota, as per usual, with some excellent Winter Wyvern play! We're running a Dagon-based team comp with a stack this week, hopefully it does well!
Direct download: tct_4_11_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:48am EDT

On today's Teach Me Tuesday, Proud & Beedub (finally) discuss Bee's first ever rapier game! They also talk some Monkey King specifics, Dagon on supports like Jakiro, Fourth Spirit merch & a bit about Gundam. Listener questions this week are about double creep waves, dealing with losing lanes, heroes that can mid & safelane successfully and when to go S&Y over Manta.

Direct download: tmt_4_9_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:05am EDT

On this week's episode of Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are doing a deep dive into the dynamics of how safelane equilibrium works from the perspective of everyone involved: safelane carries, safelane supports, and offlaners! We're also chatting about Ursi's losing streak, all the ins and outs of pulling (and interrupting pulls as the offlaner), playing trilane safelane vs. aggro trilanes, support starting items, and more! The hero combo for this week is Underlord offlane with 4 Slardar, an excellent pairing for a well-rounded team comp!

Direct download: 4_5_18_underlord.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:34am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday Beedub is out sick so Ursi is joined by LeafyPeachy from Desoladies & Beast Coast to talk about all things dota! We're chatting about the absurd amount of pro games going on at any given time, the value (or lack of value) low mmr smurfs provide, how to deal with Techies players, Breath of the Wild, Ursi's crippling fear of birds, magical damage builds vs. physical damage builds on heroes like Shadow Fiend or Mirana, and plenty more!
Direct download: tmt_peach.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:26pm EDT

Proud and Ursi are covering each and every change from 7.12 this week in place of Theorycraft Thursday! Is CM swole now? Do we still hate Undying? Why is every change +/- 30 mana? Let's all find out what will ruin our pubs and what to spam this patch!

Direct download: 712_patch.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:38am EDT

Direct download: excuses.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:48am EDT


Direct download: 3_27_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 5:05am EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are covering all the top picks in each position for you to round out your battlecup team this weekend! Ursi's on a losing streak but is fixing it by playing a bunch of Shadow Fiend so we're going into why SF is so strong at the moment and Proud is playing around with the new Meteor Hammer Arc Warden build! ALl this and more on this week's show!

Direct download: 3_22_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:20am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday a vacation-inspired Beedub is joined by Ursi to talk extensively about Ancient Apparition, Ursi's current love and Bee's newfound interest! Bee is in Greece on vacation (holiday) so we're chatting a bit about hero lore before delving into the ins-and-outs of playing AA as a 5: when to pick him, when not to pick him, how greedy to be, how to best use his ult, and more! For the listener questions this week we're covering zoning offlaners (or admitting you cannot zone them) as a support and how to deal with a variety of different zoning-related scenarios that commonly pop up, we're also gonna talk about the virtue & reasoning for double Null or double Wraith Band on mid laners! Also, we learn about the history of Daylight Savings time, for some weird reason.

Direct download: tmt_3_19_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:40am EDT

Description: On this week's episode of Theorycraft Thursdays your hosts Proud and Ursi are chatting all about their experiences in the last week of dota playing with random pro players, Ursi losing mid to Puck over and over, Proud enjoying Lifestealer, and more! We're also getting into some of the pros and cons of Dota Plus as well as Proud's theory behind why playing support is so effective at climbing in ranked! For the hero combo this week Proud is playing Sven, a somewhat passed-over hero who is still strong, and Ursi's playing everyone's favorite punching bag, Crystal Maiden!

Direct download: tct_3_18.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:39am EDT

ugh let me sleep

Direct download: 3_12_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:45am EDT

Update: fixed it, team. full epizode is there now


On today's episode of Theorycraft Thursday Proud & Ursi are getting into their last 2 weeks in dota including pro players Proud runs into, Ursi's naming-based superstitions, and more! For our segment this week we're chatting about what to take into consideration when you're picking heroes in each of the 5 roles/positions in both the early stages of pick phase and the later pick phases! As our combo this week we're playing mid Lina with safelane Wraith King, taking full advantage of the skeleton talents that got buffed in 7.10!

Direct download: tct_0308.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:24am EDT

On today's show Ursi and special guest Migs are making their best attempt at manning the ship while captain Beedub is dead in the water without internet! We're focusing on 7.10 changes, carry rotations around the 8-12 minute mark, what makes a good support vs. a bad support, and more before breaking into listener questions like 'when to skip big items?', 'how to get reinvigorated to enjoy dota again after a break?', and our opinions on the support vs. core balance trends!

Direct download: tmt_with_migz.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 3:02am EDT

proud and bee talk about terrorblade who is very good right now boy howdy is he good

Direct download: 20180228_throwback.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 8:25pm EDT

On today's Teach Me Tuesday, Proud lays down the knowledge on how to lane, itemize & fight as Juggerbean and Bee is embarrassed at her Lifestealer build. Listener questions are answered about maintaining distance from gap-closers in team fights, transformative items for supports, & what lifesteal items actually do!

Direct download: 20170227_tmt_56kbps.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:05pm EDT

Ursi and Proud are going about their regular business this week talking about their week in Dota, Ursi's Pangolier adventures, Proud's wild recent games, Ursi learning how to properly play Terrorblade and more before delving into this week's segment on swapping lanes pre-game for advantageous matchups prompted by a game which Ursi played Tidehunter mid as a Broodmother mid counter! For this week's combo Ursi is going back to one of his old favorites who he hasn't been playing much, Disruptor, and Proud is playing around with a hot new Radiance + Solar Crest Lifestealer build!

Direct download: 20180222_tct.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:43am EDT

In this week's Teach Me Tuesday Bee and Ursi are going over the various support buffs and changes that came along with the new 7.09 patch and their games testing out some new things in the patch before delving into listener questions like "how to relax after you've been tilted in a game", "how best to 5 man and when to stop 5 manning", and more!

Direct download: 20170220_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 8:54pm EDT

On this week's Theorycraft Thursday Proud and Ursi are delving deep into Proud's love of Vengeful Spirit support that has led hum to a huge win streak in solo ranked! Ursi is chatting about his hatred of Razor, dislike of playing safelane, and his long win streak that has since faded into a whole lot of losses. For the combo Proud is playing Venge, of course, and Ursi is picking based on the game (Terrorblade and OD) and we all get to learn about why everyone hates Lion, that ugly mess of a hero.

Direct download: 20180215_tct.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 12:31am EDT

In today's Teach Me Tuesday, Bee and Proud discuss farming and fighting in pubs, Luna, Reflection, and answer some listener questions along the way. Bee may have been body snatched also but I think it's fine.

Direct download: 20170213_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 10:58pm EDT

On this week's Theory Craft Thursday Skrunk joins Proud and Ursi to chat about their 7.08 winning streaks! We're covering all kinds of different heroes from Lion to Alchemist support and other heroes that got some notable changes in 7.08. For our game we ended up playing offlane Tiny, safelane PA, and roaming Tusk (so that Ursi can redeem himself after last week) and talked about what, exactly, makes up a good team comp. All this and more on today's episode!

Direct download: 20180208_tct.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:03am EDT

On this week's Teach Me Tuesday, Ursi and Beedub are chatting about their experience with the new patch 7.08, Ursi's long-standing love of Rubick, Bee's newfound tryst with Rubick, which types of heroes are best to first-pick in various roles when in pubs, how to effectively balance a draft between being reactionary but not too reactionary, and much more!

Stay tuned for a Patreon-exclusive episode discussing the merits and demerits of run-on sentences and comma splices!*





* No.

Direct download: 20180206_tmt.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:04am EDT

I'm very tired cause I put off mixing this but this is a patch review of 7.08 where I got really loud at Ursi and I'm sorry please know I love him very much and have sent him flowers even though he's dumb. 


Direct download: 708_patch.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 4:24am EDT