Fourth Spirit - A Dota 2 Podcast

Bee, Proud, and Zac talk about the major, the monkeyman, the windrunner, the martian, and probably some other stuff too.

Direct download: FS-Weekly-52522.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:46am EDT

In which Bee and her brother, Gigabeef (legal name), report back from the ongoing ESL One Stockholm major!

Direct download: New_Recording.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 1:44pm EDT

On this week's show Ursi, Proud, and Zac question God's Laws and come out unscathed. Topics include: Meepo, Natures Prophet, Omniknight, Tiny, Dawnbreaker, Offlane, Adam Sandler, Pangolier, Pugna, Spectre, Spirit Vessel in its current form, Mars, and much more! 

Direct download: FS-Weekly-51822.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:14am EDT

A new Major! A terrible Aghs! A support Sven! A question! A plug! Now you don't have to listen.

Direct download: FS-Thursday-51222.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:11am EDT

Proud and Zac try their best. Yasha still sucks. Shards are a bastard. Only trust your fists. Your only comfort is the promise of (podcast) release

Direct download: FS-Weekly-5-4-2022.mp3
Category:Dota -- posted at: 2:22am EDT